Peter Hannan is the mind behind the animated television series CatDog, which airs on Nickelodeon in the United States. The television show follows the lives of two identical brothers, one of which is a cat and the other a dog. Burbank, California served as the location for production of the series by Nickelodeon. The first episode was broadcast on April4,1998, however the show didn't officially begin airing until October of that same year. In addition, the theatrical presentation of The Rugrats Movie included a screening of the episode "Fetch." A movie that was produced specifically for television and titled "CatDog: The Great Parent Mystery" was broadcast toward the end of the run of the series. Nicktoons continued to screen repeats until2011, at which point they were moved to TeenNick's The '90s Are All That block to continue their run. Both Nickelodeon Animation Studio and Peter Hannan Productions are responsible for the creation of the series, and it has been made available on DVD.
Released: 1998-03-01